This Sunday, June 2, at 7:00 p.m. we'll be waiting for you at the Parc de Ses Estacions. The Plataforma per la Memòria Democràtica de les Illes Balears calls for a concentration for democratic memory in which more than 50 social entities of all kinds participate.
We must be united against the repeal of law 2/20218 on democratic memory and recognition of the Balearic Islands, which seeks to dilute and forget the horrors of Franco's repression. A Francoist repression that targeted the working class, destroying the progress made during the Second Republic and persecuting the union movement.
Democratic memory is not a question of left or right. It's a Human Rights issue!
For all this, we are waiting for you at the rally for democratic memory.
Sense memòria no hi ha democràcia! No memory, no democracy!